28 agosto, 2006

Midtown Manhattan

Entre Downtown e Uptown, a maior área comercial da cidade de Nova Iorque e o centro do cadinho cultural.

Clicar para aumentar. Da esquerda para a direita, de cima para baixo:
1. Broadway
2. Broadway
3. Anónimos perto de Times Square
4. Invasão de Táxis na Fifth Avenue
5. Times Square nocturna
6. Empire State Building na Fifht Avenue
7. Empire State Building
8. Madison Square Garden - casa dos Knicks e sala de espectáculos
9. Multidão em Times Square
10. Gigante Atlas no Rockefeller Center

18 agosto, 2006

"Go home, Yankee imperialists!", by Sara Paretsky

«I ordered a new bed recently at Marshall Field´s. When it arrived, the delivery slip was marked "Macy´s" and the box springs were labeled "Exclusive to Macy's".
Macy´s? Macy´s? That's a New York store. If I wanted to shop in New York, I'd go to New York. I happen to prefer Chicago.
«I´ve tried New York. When I was 23 I went there hoping to get a job with a publisher or magazine, but couldn´t get my foot in any of those doors; I returned to Chicago, where I became a writer. When I wrote my first novel, 37 New York publishers turned it down, saying that a book set in Chicago had regional interests only, and not enough people read in the Midwest to merit publishing a book set here. Do we illiterate Midwesterns need to give money to a New York firm?
«My bank, the once-venerable First National Bank of Chicago, with its fabled art collection, now sports an ungainly Chase logo on its elegant top, and they tell me that after Sept. 1, the Field´s signs will come down, the famous clocks will carry the New York label - set, pheraps, to Eastern time. All Marshall Field´s charge cards are being changed to Macy´s.
Then I got to thinking about colonial protests of the past, starting with the famous tea party. Chicagoans, tear up your Macy´s cards and dump them in the harbors, I started to cry, but my sons reminded me there´s too much plastic in Lake Michigan already.
«What will become of us next? the White Sox as a Yankee farm team? The famous Chicago dogs relabeled "Nathan´s"?
«Ghandi got the British out of India by means of simple boycotts. Rise up, Chicago, flex those broad shoulders and shake off the imperialist tyrant´s yoke!»

in Chicago Tribune, August 17, 2006

06 agosto, 2006

Picasso em Chicago

Em Civic Center Plaza desde 1967, ao lado do City Hall, está um dos mais enigmáticos trabalhos de Picasso. O artista nunca se deu ao trabalho de baptizar ou explicar o que representavam as 162 toneladas da obra cubista, mas muitas teorias apareceram sobre o assunto. Uma cabeça de mulher de cabelo ao vento, o cão do próprio Picasso, uma vaca ou uma ave de rapina. Eu voto na vaca.

03 agosto, 2006

Hollywood Beach, Chicago

Beach - Noun; The zone above the water line at a shore of a body of water, marked by an accumulation of sand, stone, or gravel that has been deposited by the tide or waves.