13 dezembro, 2006


Um mês depois das eleições intermédias, em que os Democratas conquistaram a maioria no Senado e Casa dos Representantes, uma das mais assinaláveis mudanças na vida dos habitantes do Illinois é a falta dos anúncios políticos na televisão. Mini-filmes pesados e de mau gosto, demagógicos e trauliteiros, fazem com que campanhas menos felizes por esse mundo fora (incluindo, nos últimos anos, as de alguns partidos em Portugal) pareçam brincadeiras de crianças.

01 dezembro, 2006

Em Chicago também há... (#2)


"Starting in January, you´ll notice some important changes to your ComEd bill. First, we´ve changed the format to better indicate the separate charges for electricity supply (the energy that you use) and delivery. Second, your bill will reflect a rate increase due almost entirely to higher electricuty supply costs.


"About two-thirds of your bill represent the amount you pay for the electricity itself (the supply). ComEd doesn´t own power plants and must buy electricity from wholesale market. ComEd passes this cost to customers without any mark-up.


"The remaining one-third of your bill represents the amount you pay for electricity delivery (...)

"2007 RATES

Rates beginning January 2007 will reflect an estimated 22 percent increase on the average residential bill. Virtually all of this increase is due to increases in the supply costs - the cost that ComEd pays and passes on to you with no mark-up (...)

"While this 2007 rate increase is significant, ComEd residential rates will remain 3 percent lower than what customers paid the last time rates were increased, back in 1995."

November 2006